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Gene Diver 09-10

Gene Diver 07-08

Gene Diver 05-06

Gene Diver 03-04

Gene Diver 01-02


It has been more than a year since the last update, but somehow the group is still alive. In the meantime Gene Diver 07-10 were released.
Our XDCC bot, which was offline for a while due to some technical problems, is now running again.

Carak 2008-08-17

Website online

This site is still very basic and will be expanded later.

Carak 2007-04-03

Kaninona's first releases! Gene Diver 01-06

The members of Kaninona are proud to present their first project. It's called Gene Diver and is the second of the three "Virtual World Series" by Studio Junio. The series aired in 1994 and was released on DVD in 2003. It was never released outside of Japan.

Virtual Station is a laboratory with the purpose of gathering and researching DNA. With the information gained through combining old DNA elements, the ancient world was virtually reconstructed. Yui is one of the Gene Divers. She enters the virtual ancient world to collect the DNA of animals that are extinct in reality.
But then an incident happens. Yui tries to leave the virtual world during a maintenance cycle, but instead of being returned to reality she is transferred to a new virtual present. In this new world, generated by the now uncontrollable system, an intelligent species evolved from rodents, called puglaistig exists. They consider the existence of humankind a serious threat and try to stop human evolution by all means.

Okay, enough talk. You can join our IRC channel to leech it from our bot, or get it at our BT Tracker.

Carak 2007-04-02
Welcome at

Kaninona is an anime fansub group, started in November 15. 2006.
Our "real" Website is in the making. First releases will be available soon.

Carak 2007-02-10